EMSA DISPATCH – Special Edition 2011
Emergency Medical Services Week |
Special Edition |
EMS Week May 15-22, 2011 National Emergency Medical Services Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to publicize safety and honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine’s “front line.” |
EMSA asked EMS communities throughout the state how they are planning to celebrate this week: |
Napa County EMS Week Aircraft Training at Lake Berryessa and a Family Picnic |
Sacramento Kaiser, REACH and CalStar BBQ for all EMS professionals |
EMS Aircraft Training and EMS Week Family Picnic Sunday May 15th, Napa County will host an EMS Aircraft Training at Lake Berryessa, with REACH, CalStar, Sonoma County Sherrif’s & CHP’s Air Rescue units, plus CalFire & US Coast Guard Air Ships. This is an opportunity for field personnel to interact with flight crews in a non-emergency situation, receive important safety information and practice field operations. A Barbeque Appreciation Lunch will also be provided. Tuesday May 17th, the Napa County Board of Supervisors will make a formal proclamation of EMS Week in Napa County at its regulary scheduled meeting. Saturday May 21st, EMS Week Appreciation Family Picnic, including a softball game between clinical and field staff. Any questions? Contact: Ty Cook ty.cook@countyofnapa.org |
EMS Week “Survivor Celebration” On May 19, Marin County EMS Agency will reunite several patients with the Everyday Heroes who saved their lives. For further details please visit www.marinems.org. |
The Northstate Prehospital Conference and EMS Week Celebration May 21, 2011 This event at Win-River Casino in Redding includes many dynamic speakers, 7 continuing education units, continental breakfast and lunch. The organizations will also recognize two Everyday Heroes from our community during this EMS Week event: Darren Duvall is with the Cottonwood Fire Protection District and has been with the Cottonwood Fire Department since 2008. He is chairman of the fundraising committee for Volunteer Firefighter’s of Cottonwood and teaches classes for volunteers to earn emergency response, CPR and first aid certifications. Brenda Massingham has volunteered for the Shasta Fire Department for two years. She’s a graduate of the Shasta College Fire Academy who is an EMT skills coach at the college and education speaker for the Shasta County Chemical People, a nonprofit group that promotes alcohol, tobacco and drug-free living. For more information, visit www.norcalems.org/ |
REACH, CalStar and the Trauma Center at Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento Medical Center have invited all EMS professionals to join them for a Bar-B-Que and celebration at the Kaiser South Sacramento, Trauma Thursday, May 19 from 11am to 2pm at 6600 Bruceville Road. EMS providers who can’t make it for the BBQ are encouraged to stop by all week for gifts and cookies. |
EMS Awards 2011 The San Francisco EMS Agency and the San Francisco Paramedic Association will honor EMS Team Members with the 2011 EMS Week Awards Presentation on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at 11:30am with lunch to follow at the Association, 657 Mission Street, #302. For further information please contact steve.laplante@sfgov.org or Art Hsieh at ahsieh@sfparamedics.org |
In Merced, Riggs Ambulance Service is hosting a celebration barbecue for all EMS personnel Monday, May 16th. For information, contact Sonya Severo at 209-564-6784. |
Joe Piedalue, San Luis Ambulance, will be awarded the “Outstanding EMS Contributor Award” which recognizes an individual who by their participation and innovative thinking contributed to the enhancement and development of EMS in San Luis Obispo County, and whose contributions to the prehospital care programs have been significant, representing outstanding service to the profession and the public. Atascadero Firefighter, Tom Little, Colene Little, and Darlene Merrill R.N, Coastal Wellness Center will all receive the “Beyond the Call of Duty Award” for heroic actions. While traveling on Hwy 46, Firefighter Little observed a vehicle on the side of the road and noted CPR was being administered and stopped to assist. He took over compression and Darlene Merrill, R.N., who was doing recue breathing, continued CPR for 20-25 minutes. Colene Little maintained communications with dispatch. Kern County recue took over CPR, implemented an advanced airway and shocked the patient twice. Several days later the patient made a full recovery. Templeton Fire Department (Chief Jim Langborg) will receive the “Beyond the Call of Duty Award” for heroic actions. Last September, the department performed CPR and applied the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on one of their own, Tony Broom, who collapsed after training drills. Their efforts resulted in a successful resuscitation. The department went on to locate his family and assist in getting them to the hospital. Firefighter Broom has since been released back to full duty. |