Date: March 18, 2015


March 18, 2015
10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
(Meeting may end early at the completion of all agenda items)

Westin Los Angeles Hotel
5400 West Century Blvd
Los Angeles
, CA 90045
Ph (800) 937-8461


    1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
    2. Review and Approval of December 3, 2014 Minutes
    3. Director’s Report
    4. EMSA Budget Status
    5. EMSA Program Updates [Disaster] [Personnel] [Systems]
    6. Consent Calendar
    7. Legislative Report
    8. Administrative and Personnel Report
    9. Legal
    10. Enforcement

Regular Calendar

      1. EMS Personnel
      2. Trial Studies
      3. Public Safety Regulations
      4. Epinephrine Auto-Injector Regulations
      5. Community Paramedicine
      6. National Registry Examination Results [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2]
      7. EMS Systems
      8. EMS Plan Appeal Process – Emergency Regulations [Attachment 1]
      9. EMS Plan Appeal Process – Regular Rulemaking Process [Attachment 1]
      10. State Trauma Plan [Attachment 1]
      11. EMS Systems Regulations (Chapter 13 Workgroup)
      12. Ambulance Wall Time Update
      13. Disaster Medical Services Division
      14. Ebola Preparedness Activities
      15. Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) Update
      16. Bylaws Update [Attachment 1]
      17. Election of Officers
      18. Items for Next Agenda
      19. Public Comment
      20. Adjournment

A full agenda packet will not be provided at the meeting; however, you can print a full packet, including the agenda from the Department’s website at  This event will be held in an accessible facility.  Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services to ensure accessibility such as language interpreting, assisted listening device, materials in alternate formats or other accommodation, should contact Robin R Robinson at (916) 322-4336, ext. 447, no less than 7 days prior to the meeting.