Welcome, School Bus Drivers and Program Instructors


School Bus Drivers are required, by statute, to pass a CHP first aid exam or take an American Red Cross or EMSA-approved training course. This page contains information on EMSA-approved training programs and how to become a training program for School Bus Drivers.

To Become an Approved Training Program

The School Bus Driver First Aid training program review fee is $500.

You may submit the application(s) along with all materials/curriculum by mail or electronically:

Mail to:

Emergency Medical Services Authority
Attn: Child Care Training Program
11120 International Drive, 2nd Floor
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Email to:

We do not accept any payments electronically. Please mail in a check or credit card authorization form to the address above. You may also fax in a credit card authorization form to (916) 324-2875.

Please allow 60 days for review of your application. You must retain a copy of your submission.


Regulations and Statutes for School Bus Drivers

California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 9:

Vehicle Code, Division 6, Chapter 1:

  • Article 1: Persons Required to Be Licensed, Exemptions, and Age Limits (12522.)

Find a Training Program Near You!


Please contact the programs directly for their course offerings.


The EMSA does not schedule or register participants for classes.






Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I take the school bus driver first aid training?

  • School bus driver first aid can be taken from American Red Cross or an EMSA approved program.
I’d like to submit a training program for review, to teach first aid to school bus drivers. How can I do this?
  • You will need to submit a complete application, all course materials for your training program and application fee of $500. Allow minimum of 60 days for approval; Once received by EMSA.
Are there any fees to apply for the school bus driver training program?
  • Yes. The application and review fee for a school bus driver first aid training program is $500. Once a program is approved, renewal fees are $500 every four years.
Is American Red Cross training sufficient for School Bus Driver training?
  • Classes offered by the American Red Cross are exempt from EMSA oversight. Verification of an American Red Cross course must be done through American Red Cross, directly.

Contact the Child Care Program Unit!

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