EMS for Children – 2014 Educational Forum Presentations
Ready to Care For Kids
November 6, 2014: Sacramento, CA
Leading Causes of Injury Among California Children (Lynn Walton-Haynes, DDS, MPH; Nana Y. Tufuoh, MD, MPH)
Spinal Mobilization (Kevin Parks, M.D.)
Sepsis/ Fluid Resuscitation (Jan Sampson, RN, DNP, CNE)
Pediatric Disaster Preparedness/ Mental Health (Merritt Schreiber, Ph.D.)
- Abstract: Toward the Way Forward: The National Children’s Disaster Mental Health Concept of Operations
Bed Sharing and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Thomas G. Keens, MD)
Smartphone Use in Medicine/ Biosensor (Bernard Dannenberg, MD)
Street Drugs (Officer Travis Herbert)
- Dropbox Materials