Public Information and Education
California Poison Control: The EMS Authority develops statewide standards for poison control services and poison centers, designates and monitors the poison control services contractor, evaluates poison control system operations and site reviews of poison center answering points, provides technical assistance to poison control center administrators, and provides assistance to poison control services contractor in identifying sources of funding to support poison control services operations.
Illness and Injury Prevention: The EMS Authority considers Injury and Illness Prevention part of its mission and coordinates activities with the California Department of Public Health and the Office of Traffic Safety. The State’s EMS for Children and Trauma Programs encourage injury and illness prevention activities within the 34 local EMS agencies and their specialty care facilities. Trauma Centers and Pediatric Hospitals work with the State and local EMS agencies to reach out to the community with prevention strategies for all ages and provide information on existing prevention programs. These programs are linked with the EMS Authority’s website.