The planning and development work for the POLST eRegistry has been transitioned from the California Health and Human Services (CalHHS) Office of Technology & Solutions Integration (OTSI) to the Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA). This strategic shift will allow EMSA to maintain closer oversight of the project as it moves forward. 

EMSA is currently engaged in the state procurement process to secure a vendor to begin the system build. This reflects the department’s commitment to maintaining project momentum while ensuring the right partner is selected to bring the POLST eRegistry to life.

As part of the department’s ongoing commitment to stakeholder engagement, EMSA will be launching a dedicated POLST Advisory Committee and will be sending out engagement letters in February of 2025 for this important initiative. The first meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2025, and will be held in person at EMSA Headquarters, in Rancho Cordova, California. For those unable to attend in person, EMSA will also provide a virtual option to ensure broad participation. The department welcomes participation in this workgroup as the POLST program aims to ensure that seriously ill patients can make their wishes known about life-sustaining treatment and have those wishes honored across all healthcare settings.

EMSA looks forward to collaborating with stakeholders as the project progresses through these next phases of development.

 For any questions, please contact the Health Information Unit at Healthinformation@emsa.ca.gov.