ELSEVIER Core Knowledge and Skills for Adult Critical Care Nursing COVID Practice
In response to the increased need for critical care during the pandemic, many of California’s hospitals are calling upon adjunct nursing staff that don’t typically work in the ICU to offer additional patient care and support.
California’s Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) has collaborated with Elsevier, a global clinical skills education provider, and the American Association of Critical–Care Nurses (AACN) to offer knowledge–and skills–based educational content to California nurses. The goal of this effort is to help educate additional staff and help them build knowledge and confidence when participating in the care of critically ill patients.
How do I navigate this content?
Learners should assess their nursing experience in the context of theunit’s needs to determine which educational content and/or skills are needed from the curriculum. All modules are optional. If you are unsure, work with your educator to determine which content is most important for your assigned area of patient care. Theareas of greatest need should determine the individual order of completion of the education and skills listed below.
Complete the content that you are least familiar with first. There are opportunities within the curriculum to “test out” of content if you are able (i.e., ECG modules). To obtain CE, the full lesson must be completed, and the post–test passed with a minimum score of 80%.
These modules, in addition to the COVID Day 1 and COVID Day 2, should be considered part of a blended learning experience and represent only a portion of a full introductory critical care education. This content is intended to help hospitals and staff respond more fully to urgent needs during a pandemic.
Continuing EducationCredits: Available for all content if lessons are completed in full.
Register for Access 1. Visit the Elsevier Login Page, found here. |
![]() Figure 1. Login Screen, Arrow, Self Registration link. |
Complete Your Assignments To participate in your COVID-19 Training you will need to self-enroll for each course 2. Enroll in COVID courses listed by clicking the enroll link next to each course’s title and lesson count (Fig.3) 3. Review all assigned lessons to complete your training and earn certification |
![]() Figure 2. Homepage. Arrow, eLearning menu
![]() Figure 3. Assigned Items page. Arrow, Enroll link |
For more information on COVID-19 skills and content, visit Elsevier’s COVID-19 Healthcare Hub