Index of Administrative Law Judge Proposed Decisions on Paramedic Licensure


The following index is a list of cases in which the Respondent requested a due process hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. The proposed decisions, issued by the judge after the conclusion of the hearing, and the adoption order from the Director of the EMS Authority are provided below as hyperlinks to .PDF documents.  The “Amended Decision” column contains links to those decisions in which the Authority did not adopt the proposed decision of the Administrative Law Judge. The Decision & Order link contains the final discipline that was imposed, and the reasons for the modified decision.

Copies of Accusations, Statements of Issues, and other documents may be found on the Central Registry of EMT’s and Paramedics. Simply search for and select the individual’s name to see if there is a history of discipline. Please note that not all individuals whose licenses have been disciplined are reflected on this index page; only those cases that proceeded to a hearing and had a proposed decision rendered are shown here. However, all individuals who have had their license disciplined, regardless of whether or not they requested a hearing, can be found by searching the Central Registry.


Excerpt from Healthy and Safety Code Section 1798.200  (C):

Any of the following actions shall be considered evidence of a threat to the public health and safety and may result in the denial, suspension, or revocation of a certificate or license issued under this division, or in the placement on probation of a certificate holder or licenseholder under this division:

(1) Fraud in the procurement of any certificate or license under this division.
(2) Gross negligence.
(3) Repeated negligent acts.
(4) Incompetence.
(5) The commission of any fraudulent, dishonest, or corrupt act that is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of prehospital personnel.
(6) Conviction of any crime which is substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of prehospital personnel.
(7) Violating or attempting to violate directly or indirectly, or assisting in or abetting the violation of, or conspiring to violate, any provision of this division or the regulations adopted by the authority pertaining to prehospital personnel.
(8) Violating or attempting to violate any federal or state statute or regulation that regulates narcotics, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances.
(9) Addiction to, the excessive use of, or the misuse of, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances.
(10) Functioning outside the supervision of medical control in the field care system operating at the local level, except as authorized by any other license or certification.
(11) Demonstration of irrational behavior or occurrence of a physical disability to the extent that a reasonable and prudent person would have reasonable cause to believe that the ability to perform the duties normally expected may be impaired.
(12) Unprofessional conduct exhibited by any of the following: (A) The mistreatment or physical abuse of any patient resulting from force in excess of what a reasonable and prudent person trained and acting in a similar capacity while engaged in the performance of his or her duties would use if confronted with a similar circumstance. (B) The failure to maintain confidentiality of patient medical information, except as disclosure is otherwise permitted or required by law in Sections 56 to 56.6, inclusive, of the Civil Code. (C) The commission of any sexually related offense specified under Section 290 of the Penal Code.


Defendant NameRegulation SectionCase Number
Agency's DecisionDate of Decision
Adams, Joshua(c) 5, 7, 909-0007
Aguilar, Matthew(c) 5, 610-0314
Anthony, Robert(c) 2, 4, 1014-0280
Archibald, Richard F.(c) 2, 7, 1012-0061Decision & Order
Arellano, Oliver(c) 5, 609-0157
Armstrong, John A.(c) 5, 12c09-0184
Armstrong, John A.(c) 6, 12c10-0203
Baker, Alexander(c) 6, 7, 1012-0307Decision & Order
Barone, Wesley (c) 6, 9 18-0102
Barr, James D.(c) 7, 1013-0304
Barros, Marco(c) 2, 4, 1015-0314
Beckman, Justin B.(c) 912-0001
Beckman, Justin B.(c) 6, 913-0006
Beedle, Bradford(c) 515-0262
Benitez, Robert(c) 6, 910-0166
Beucher, Christopher(c) 6, 911-0242
Brasiel, James(c) 5, 1215-0080
Brucker, Jacob(c) 919-0123
Buchanan, Bradford(c) 2, 7, 10, 12(a)23-0135Decision & Order
Buck, Christopher(c) 6, 908-0005
Burns, James(c) 6, 906-0095
Burruss, Brandon(c) 6, 910-0151
Cabrera, Oscar(c) 8, 918-0042
Calvo, Juan Carlos(c) 5, 614-0170
Candelaria, Lance(c) 6, 910-0134
Carr, Jeremy(c) 919-0101
Carter, Jeremy(c) 6, 905-0226
Caswell, Michele(c) 6, 913-0073
Chapman, Cameron(c) 5, 6, 921-0141
Churchill, Perry(c) 606-0221
Clark, Edward(c) 6, 910-0265
Clark, William (c) 10, 12b19-0033
Coleman, Steve(c) 6, 920-0204
Comstock, Joseph (c) 7, 1015-0210
Conley, James(c) 515-0002
Conroy, Brian(c) 1, 6, 915-0239
Cook, Ty(c) 812-0040Decision & Order
Corella, Christian(c) 6, 921-0293
Craig, Robert(c) 910-0267
Davis, Christopher(c) 6, 910-0066
Dixon, Thomas(c) 6, 918-0176
Dowless, Ryan(c) 5, 8, 9, 1119-0054
Duhamell, Matthew(c) 2, 4, 5, 7, 1015-0195
Eirich, Sadie L.(c) 2, 3, 5, 7, 1024-0228
Erlikh, Eugene T. (c) 5, 616-0014
Farrell, David(c) 6, 910-0299
Ferrari, Nicholas(c) 2, 4, 7, 1015-0124
Fields, Michael(c) 2, 7, 1012-0062Decision & Order
Finstuen, Mark(c) 2, 4, 5, 7, 1015-0194
Flisik, Zachary(c) 6, 9 18-0039
Florence, Donald(c) 5, 7, 1009-0354
Fogle, Rachel(c) 6, 8, 918-0201
Freeman, Adam(c) 5, 610-0057Decision & Order
Funk, Joshua(c) 5, 916-0308
Gaona, Emilio(c) 915-0024
Garcia, Robert(c) 12a05-0041
Gonzalez, Ermilo(c) 6, 914-0168
Graham, Scot(c) 607-0213Decision & Order
Hardisty, John(c) 508-0361
Hector, Peter(c) 6, 921-0259
Henderson, Jennifer(c) 5, 1007-0403Decision & Order
Hiller, Dale R.(c) 6, 911-0078
Hiroshima, Kimberley(c) 6, 908-0183
Hogan, Ian(c) 6, 912-0169
Houle, Richard(c) 2, 7, 1007-0317
Howze, Jason R. (c) 6, 914-0206
Jimenez, Arturo(c) 6, 914-0318
Johnson, Adam(c) 5, 616-0244
Johnston, Zakary(c) 906-0065
Jones, Thomas(c) 2, 7, 1018-0077
Keating, Kenneth(c) 418-0085
Kessler, Gabriel(c) 4, 1015-0281
Klein, Jeffrey(c) 1019-0315
Koyanagi, Blair(c) 6, 914-0385
Krisman, Stephen(c) 5, 607-0247
Lee, Corey(c) 8, 919-0199
Lofgren, Cory(c) 6, 919-0333
Maddux, Brian(c) 1, 5, 6, 909-0008
Marshall, Shayne(c) 7, 10. 12(a)23-0218Decision & Order
Marx, Cory(c) 7, 1015-0069
Mattox, Johanna(c) 12(a)19-0066
Maus, Madison (c) 919-0196
Matamoros, Johnny(c) 6, 910-0262
McCabe, Andrew(c) 6, 910-0342
Meneley, Jennifer(c) 5, 608-0115Decision & Order
Mitchell, Graham(c) 7, 1007-0049
Moalem, Mark(c) 8, 914-0091
Monken, Bryan(c) 2, 5, 7, 1022-0249
Montgomery, Lamont(c) 616-0335
Narro, Salvador(c) 6, 916-0017
Nolan, Richard(c) 6, 9 17-0243
Nunez, Antonio(c) 609-0091Decision & Order
Oakes, Derik(c) 619-0213
Oh, James (c) 615-0018
Oki, Derek(c) 6, 914-0228
Ortega-Endahl, David(c) 5, 6, 907-0261
Paaluhi, Mark(c) 6, 908-0269
Parsons, Jaime(c) 6, 914-0120
Peart, Sage(c) 6, 905-0314
Peters, Damon(c) 6, 916-0098
Pino, Joshua(c) 6, 910-0043
Pintus, James R.(c) 612-0172Decision & Order
Ramos, Christopher(c) 6, 915-0013
Richards, Keith(c) 6, 916-0059
Riddall, Nicolas(c) 7, 1013-0345
Rivera, Anthony(c) 710-0344Decision & Order
Roberts, Jack(c) 5, 6, 8, 914-0180
Robertson, Mark(c) 6, 8 18-0167
Rodriguez, Gerad(c) 6, 8, 908-0014
Rose, Robert(c) 6, 910-0070
Rowell, Nathan (c) 6, 916-0139
Rusling, John(c) 1010-0017
Russell, Bryan(c) 1, 518-0096
Schon, Synthea(c) 1013-0276
Schwenger, Rebecca (c) 7, 920-0176
Seward, Ricky(c) 915-0146
Silverman, Kenneth(c) 6, 914-0377
Silverstein, Joseph(c) 5, 708-0233Decision & Order
Skaggs, Mickle(c) 613-0216
Starling, Millard(c) 12a13-0408
Steever, Kurt(c) 6, 917-0158
Stillman, Thomas(c) 5, 6, 915-0092
Strouse, Jonathan (c) 6, 914-0309
Strong, Clayton(c) 8, 9 14-0212
Suarez, Mark(c) 5, 8, 918-0024
Sullivan, Patrick(c) 6, 9 18-0055
Swerrie, Kyra(c) 920-0126
Tabor, Claude(c) 617-0216
Tagliere, Peter M.(c) 1214-0133
Tagliere, Peter M.(c) 2, 415-0216Decision & Order
Talbert, David(c) 418-0084
Tanji, Shawn(c) 6, 907-0162
Tenorio, Manuel(c) 7, 1013-0432
Thompson-Northey, Lynn(c) 7, 1008-0200
Toor, Gurkirat(c) 6, 918-0165
Turner, Brian(c) 12b18-0076
Vakulich, Veniamin(c) 1019-0172
Valdivia, Vincent(c) 6, 906-0098Decision & Order
Valentine, Anthony(c) 4, 1015-0280
Vasquez, Christian(c) 6, 909-0316
Vogel, Justin(c) 5, 619-0246
Vrmeer, Corey A.(c) 5, 616-0089
Wattson, Jesse(c) 2, 4, 5, 7, 1017-0011
Welin, Monique (c) 617-0279
Wells, Vincent(c) 6, 909-0287
Wilga, Andrew(c) 911-0008
Wingard, Jeffery(c) 8, 914-0348
Wood, Jesse(c) 1, 915-0191
Young, Patrick(c) 6, 912-0279
Zepeda, Juan(c) 5, 619-0296