Epinephrine Auto Injector Training Programs

State law allows physicians to prescribe epinephrine auto-injectors to businesses and the general public after completion of proper training and certification. The epinephrine certification card issued by the EMSA allows an individual (lay-person or off-duty EMS personnel,) to obtain a prescription for and administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a person experiencing anaphylaxis, with civil liability protection.

BLS Providers and EMS Personnel: Contact your Local EMSA with questions regarding Epinephrine use in your jurisdiction.

Training Program Approval Information

For those wishing to become an EMSA-approved epinephrine auto-injector training program, please review these steps:

1. Submit the following:

Option 1:

● A completed Training Program Checklist [PDF], including all attachments
● Check or money order in the amount of $500.00, made out to “Specialized First Aid Fund”


Option 2:

● Your written request for renewed training program approval (in-lieu-of Part I of the Checklist)
● All items identified in the Training Program Checklist [PDF],
● Check or money order in the amount of $500.00, made out to “Specialized First Aid Fund

2. EMSA staff will notify you of receipt of your program materials upon their arrival at EMSA.

3. EMSA staff then have 60 days to review your training program materials and either:

● Approve your application and program materials,
● Send a modification letter, notifying you of any missing items you must submit to complete your application

4. Once your application is complete and approved, EMSA will:

● Send you an approval letter and program certificate, indicating your four-year approval cycle
● Add your program to EMSA’s public Training Program Database.

For those wishing to renew an EMSA-approved epinephrine auto-injector training program, please review these steps:

1. Submit the following:

Option 1:

● A completed Training Program Checklist [PDF], including all attachments
● Check or money order in the amount of $500.00, made out to “Specialized First Aid Fund”


Option 2:

● Your written request for renewed training program approval (in-lieu-of Part I of the Checklist)
● All items identified in the Training Program Checklist [PDF],
● Check or money order in the amount of $500.00, made out to “Specialized First Aid Fund

2. EMSA staff will notify you of receipt of your program materials upon their arrival at EMSA.

3. EMSA staff then have 60 days to review your training program materials and either:

● Approve your renewal,
● Send a modification letter, notifying you of any missing items you must submit to complete your program renewal

4. Once your application is complete and approved, EMSA will:

● Send you a re-approval letter and program certificate, indicating your new four-year approval cycle
● Update your program expiration date in EMSA’s public Training Program Database.

Find a Training Program Near You!

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Find Epinephrine Auto-injector Training and Certification for lay-rescuers and off-duty EMS personnel.

Please contact the programs directly for their course offerings.

The EMSA does not schedule or register participants for classes.





Questions? Contact the Epinephrine Certification Program!

4 + 10 =

BLS Providers and EMS Personnel: Contact your Local EMSA with questions regarding Epinephrine use in your jurisdiction.

We are located at:
Emergency Medical Services Authority
11120 International Drive, Suite 200
Attn: Epi Program
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Phone: (916) 322-4336