
In the State of California, traumatic injury is the primary cause of death for people ages 1 to 44, regardless of gender, race, or economic status. Injuries, both unintentional and those caused by acts of violence, are among the top ten killers for Americans of all ages. Trauma results from motor vehicle collisions, falls, burns, stabbing and gunshot wounds, or other blunt or penetrating forces.

California Trauma System

California’s 86 designated Trauma Centers receive and admit over 117,000 trauma patients per year. Trauma care in California is delivered and governed by a structure of public and private entities working together to prevent injuries, reduce trauma-related mortality and morbidity rates, and maximize cost-benefit of trauma healthcare for all Californians. Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) is charged with providing oversight and leadership to 34 local emergency medical service agencies (LEMSAs) statewide. These LEMSAs are responsible for assessing, directing, developing, and implementing their local or regional EMS and trauma plans based on local topography, demographics, population density, available healthcare resources, and funding.

For questions or inquiries related to the Trauma Program, please contact:

Ashley Leaphart, Trauma Coordinator

Phone: (916) 903-9259
