EMSA Office of Legal Services

EMSA’s Office of Legal Services provides support to the Director’s Office and all programs of the Authority. The office is committed to providing professional legal services and representation to ensure that the public’s health and safety is protected to the utmost.


Office of Legal Services Staff:

Erin Brennan
Chief Counsel
Erin.Brennan@emsa.ca.govopens in a new window

Stacie Simmons
Stacie.Simmons@emsa.ca.govopens in a new window

Elizabeth Weid
Elizabeth.Wied@emsa.ca.govopens in a new window

Krista Merrill
Legal Analyst
Krista.Merrill@emsa.ca.govopens in a new window

Lisa Robertson
Legal Analyst
Lisa.Robertson@emsa.ca.govopens in a new window


Legal Office Contact Information:

Phone: (916) 217-6204
Fax: (916) 322-1441

Mailing Address:
11120 International Drive, Suite 200
Attn: D-28 Legal
Rancho Cordova, CA  95670

